Sunday, September 4, 2011

my new blog

I have recently  made a new blog called "Crafty Guy" , if you don't mind i Would like for you to check it out.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


We went skating today with most of our co-op. we had some races at the rink and I came 5th place my age group was 9 & up. and then we went to the park, we spent most of our time building a fort and makeing "traps" to protect it.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


We have started school again,and so far it has been good :-)

Friday, November 26, 2010


We started decorating for Christmas today. and I made the best coffee drink I've ever had. coffee with peppermint candy cane.   
1. 3 tbs. of  hills brothers English Toffee Cappuccino coffee.
2.tbs. of sugar
3. put water in your coffee maker start it up.
4. brake the "hook" of the candy cane, and break the rest of the candy cane in small pieces.
5. put the water in your coffee mug.
6. stir.
7. put all the candy cane in except the "hook," then for decoration hang the "hook" on the side of the mug.
8. enjoy!

Friday, October 22, 2010