Tuesday, September 21, 2010

poll results

3 out of 3 said yes.    thank you for  replying

Our beach trip.

Yesterday we went to Folly beach from 12:30-8:30. and we didn't get home til 11:45.
 here are some pics.
it was nice knowing my little sister. ha ha ha !!!

I got stung by a jellyfish. and if you can see the different color of my leg that is where I got stung. 
and I got stuck in a rip tide.   2 bad  things in 1 day, ugh!!!!

I thought that was cool. 

this is on top of the pier.      

ahh a resting place.

and this is what Faith calls the tall seat. 

the 2 story end.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

did you know?

that margarine is one molucule away  from plastic?

pray for me and my family

please pray for me and my family. my great grandmother has passed away today.  so pray for me and my family

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

crochet afgan

 by will,
Dc afgan

Make as much as you want.  FYI the more you make the bigger the afgan.

Ch 20.
Row 1 yo go in the 4th ch from the hook dc all the way across.
Row 2-25  ch 3 dc all the across


Sew the pieces togher.

Monday, September 13, 2010

new weekly poll on this blog !!!!!!!

Now........ I've tried the "gadget" for this, but it didn't work. So i'm going to post it. and after 1 week i'll post the results by people.    

                  AND NOW THE POLL,
                                                                                                   do you have a pet?

                                                                                                yes?   no?  before?  never?
                                                                                                    please comment.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Thursday's feild trip,@ Saluda Shols.

This is a flower/berry thing,  FYI I think it is poisonous.

this is my friend Grant and I

and this is our "mole on steroids," from inside a owl pellet.

hello MR. fish

this is the barred owl's wing.

and the screech owl's wing.

Monday, September 6, 2010

My dog and her cottage

Leia was under our porch, (and to the top right is one way that she gets in)
cont. from My dog my dog..

her home.